What are the benefits of pouches nicotine?

Discover the new risk-reduction alternative to smoking. The advantages of pouches nicotine are numerous compared with tobacco products.

Wondering about the advantages of pouches nicotine over traditional cigarettes? Here, NicoPouches explains the many reasons why nicotine products are a good alternative to tobacco products. pouches are a good alternative to tobacco products.

The benefits of pouches nicotine are numerous

Reducing known smoking-related risks

The risks associated with smoking are well established, and numerous studies over the years have demonstrated the harmful influence of tobacco on the health of smokers. A particularly high-risk population, smokers are subject to a much higher mortality rate than non-smokers. According to the French Ministry of Health, smoking is responsible for a third of all cancers, the majority affecting the lungs. Smoking also promotes the onset of cardiovascular disease (particularly myocardial infarction) and chronic respiratory illness. Because they do not contain tobacco, nicotine products pouches reduce all these risks.

Eliminate all combustion and absorption of toxic substances by
the lungs

Contrary to popular belief, it's not the nicotine in cigarette smoke that's harmful to health - in fact, it's not even carcinogenic. It's the combustion of tobacco that exposes smokers to harmful substances. Toxic gases (including carbon monoxide), heavy metals and tars, caused by the addition of chemicals by cigarette manufacturers, are inhaled with every puff. By moistening themselves under the lip, the pouches By wetting themselves under the lip, they release nicotine and flavours orally, permanently protecting your lungs from any inhalation of toxic substances.

No exposure to passive smoking

Nicotine pouches does not expose your loved ones or those around you to passive smoking. The pouches nicotine products do not give off smoke and are used without any combustion or vaporization. No danger to those around you


Unlike snus, pouches nicotines contain no tobacco, only flavourings and nicotine. Say goodbye to the harmful effects of cigarettes, and goodbye to yellow stains on your teeth!

Discreet and practical

The pouches nicotine tablets come in cans round (most of them) or rectangular (On!). They slip easily into a trouser or shirt pocket, or even into a bag. Lightweight, they also feature a separate compartment for storing your used pouches .

cans recyclables

Our pouches nicotine products are packaged in recyclable cans . Nicopouches encourages you to be eco-responsible and dispose of your empty cans using the yellow garbage can. Together, let's take another step for the environment. Please note that, depending on the manufacturer, some pouches of nicotine are not biodegradable, so you'll need to dispose of them pouches separately.

Nicotine pouches is a less harmful alternative to cigarettes

pouches nicotines have many advantages over snus and cigarettes. They are an innovative alternative to tobacco products, allowing you to satisfy your nicotine needs whenever and wherever you want.