FAQ about white snus

Do you have any questions about white snus ? We've got the answers.

Discover the white snus

What is white snus or pouches nicotine?

white snus (or nicotine pouches) are small products containing pouches containing nicotine, natural fibers and flavors. They are an effective and discreet alternative to traditional cigarettes. ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT SNUS

What are the advantages of white snus ?

Discover the many reasons why white snus is a good alternative to tobacco products. THE BENEFITS OF SNUS

How to choose the right white snus for beginners?

Are you new to the world of white snus ? Choosing the right dosage is very important. See our complete guide to first-time use. CHOOSING THE RIGHT SNUS

white snus the effects and how long to keep pouches nicotine?

What are the effects of white snus on the body? How long can I keep a white snus ? All the answers to your questions. THE EFFECTS OF SNUS

Alternative to tobacco: the white snus

Nicopouches answers all your questions with this guide to tobacco-free alternatives! TOBACCO ALTERNATIVE

Looking for an innovative alternative to cigarettes?

There are plenty of good reasons to give up tobacco cigarettes. Discover the new, innovative alternative to tobacco. LEARN MORE

Find your nicotine dosage

What nicotine dosage should you choose for your white snus ? Find the answer easily by assessing your smoking dependency with the Fagerström test. DO THE TEST

Use the white snus

What are the different nicotine formats pouches ?

Mini, Large, Super Slim, Slim... Nicopouches details the characteristics of the different white snus formats. Click here to find out! SNUS FORMATS

How to use pouches nicotine?

Nicopouches explains how to use white snus to take full advantage of this new alternative to cigarettes. Follow the guide! USING SNUS

Where to use pouches nicotine?

More and more places are off-limits to cigarettes and vape, but that's not the case with white snus. Find out when and where you can use it! LEARN MORE

How do you choose the nicotine content of your pouches nicotine products?

6mg/pouch, Light, 11,2 mg/pouch, Extra Strong... Choosing your nicotine dosage when discovering white snus is not always easy. Nicopouches guides you! SNUS DOSAGES

Nicotine savings calculator pouches vs tobacco vs vape

Use our calculator to find out how much money you can save by choosing white snus instead of an electronic cigarette. CALCULATE MY SAVINGS

How to dispose of your nicotine pouches to protect the environment?

Recycling is a simple and responsible thing to do. In this guide, we explain how to correctly dispose of your white snus and recycle their cans. LEARN MORE

white snus and health

Nicotine side effects pouches

Does white snus have any side effects on health? Nicopouches answers all your questions? LEARN MORE

Nicotine pouches with an expired ddm: what you need to know

Does white snus expire? If so, is it really safe to use it after the expiry date? Nicopouches explains it all! EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW

What should I do if I swallow a nicotine pouch ?

Some clumsy people have inadvertently swallowed a white snus . What should I do if I swallow a pouch ? ANSWERS

All the information on nicotine

Would you like to find out more about nicotine? Our aim is to help you understand this molecule and demystify the misconceptions surrounding it. ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW

Differences from snus

The pouches nicotine, a modern product with ancestral origins

Discover the history of snus, from its use during the Renaissance to its reinvention with white snus ! THE HISTORY OF SNUS

What's the difference between pouches nicotine and snus?

Discover the difference between white snus and traditional snus. Similar in form, white snus and snus are totally different products. THE DIFFERENCES

Why do some people confuse snus with white snus ?

Nicopouches explains the origin of this confusion and why pouches nicotine products can also be called white snus or Snus 2.0. THE REASONS

CBD snus

Introduction to CBD

CBD is used more by people who want a natural, non-medicated alternative to relax without experiencing psychotropic effects. EVERYTHING TO KNOW

What are the differences between nicotine pouches and CBD pouches ?

CBD snus, CBD Pouches, nicopods, nicotine pouches, pouches Nicopouches explains the differences between all these products. CBD SNUS

Is cbd legal in France?

Having recently arrived on the market in France, CBD products are perfectly legal to market and use. Nicopouches deciphers for you the jurisdiction surrounding CBD THE ANSWER

The positive effects of cbd

Nicopouches details all the beneficial properties of CBD products. Subject to strict controls, the CBD laboratory ensures a safe experience THE EFFECTS OF CBD

How to use cbd pouches

CBD snus are used in the same way as white snus, by placing them under the lip. They contain no THC, only natural fibers and laboratory-produced CBD extraction. HOW TO USE CBD

Choosing the right cbd dosage

Each person needs a personalized dosage of CBD for the molecules to be effective. It's your body and your lifestyle that determine your choice for successful consumption. CBD DOSAGES


Who are we? All about nicopouches

Our philosophy: A world without tobacco. Since 2020, Nicopouches has been the white snus and pouches nicotine specialist in France. DISCOVER NICOPOUCHES

Discover nicopouches.fr loyalty program

At Nicopouches, we like to take care of our customers. That's why we've designed a comprehensive loyalty program that rewards every order you place. LOYALTY PROGRAM

Europe-wide purchase and delivery of nicotine pouches

Receive your white snus at home easily and without restriction. Buying and delivering nicotine anywhere in Europe pouches has never been easier on nicopouches.fr OUR SOLUTIONS

The 1st trusted French website for your pouches

Here are 5 reasons why Nicopouches.fr is THE reference in France for anyone wishing to buy white snus and pouches nicotine products online. LEARN MORE