CBD pouches is available in several dosages. How do you choose the best one for you?

Each person needs a personalized dosage of CBD for the molecules to be effective. Finding the optimal dosage depends on several factors: weight, height, metabolism, physical fitness... It's according to your body and lifestyle that you fine-tune the CBD dose for successful consumption.

How do you measure your CBD needs?

Start with a low dosage

If you're new to CBD pouches, we suggest you start with a low dosage and wait to see if the effects you feel match your needs. Wait up to 20 minutes to see how it affects you. Then, if necessary, try CBD pouches with a stronger dosage.

Evaluate your feelings

Until you know how effective CBD is on your body, take stock of how you feel. Do you notice any changes? What do you feel? What don't you feel?

Find your optimum dosage

If you still don't get the desired result after a week, we recommend increasing the CBD dosage by using CBD pouches containing more CBD.

To remember

Some users feel the effects immediately, while for others it's more likely to take several days or even weeks. Everyone is unique, so be patient and don't immediately look to double your dose. CBD pouches is most effective when used at regular intervals, its effectiveness lies in regular intake.