How do you choose the nicotine content of your pouches nicotine products?

Don't know what nicotine dosages mean? NicoPouches helps you choose nicotine levels!

NicoPouches helps you better understand how to choose the nicotine levels of its pouches nicotine. 6mg/pouch, Soft, 11,2 mg/pouch, Extra Strong... Choosing your nicotine dosage when starting with pouches is not always easy.

Nicotine levels and strength:
all you need to know

On the websites of nicotine manufacturers pouches manufacturers' websites, pouches nicotine dosages are given in milligrams of nicotine per gram. However, to make things clearer for you, we've decided to classify our products in milligrams of nicotine per pouch.

Extra Light, Light, Medium, Strong and Extra Strong: the five nicotine strengths

Eachpouches nicotine manufacturer offers a specific nicotine content for the products they make, which is why there are so many different dosages. However, these numerous dosages can be grouped into five main families, which we call strengths.

There are five main nicotine strengths, from the weakest to the strongest: Extra Light, Light, Medium, Strong, Extra Strong. To help you choose the nicotine pouches that best suits your needs, we invite you to refer to the following table to assess your cigarette consumption and obtain its nicotine equivalent in
pouches .

Please note: the nicotine levels shown in this table are for guidance only. If you have quit smoking or never smoked: do not use nicotine pouches.

Dependence Theoretical equivalence in cigarette(s) per day Strength equivalence for nicotine pouches Dose of nicotine per pouch
High Over 20 Extra Strong 11+ mg nicotine per pouch
Average Between 10 and 20 Strong 7-11 mg nicotine per pouch
Low Between 5 and 10 Normal 3-7 mg nicotine per pouch
Very low Between 1 and 5 Extra Light / Light 0-3 mg nicotine per pouch
Non-smokers The nicotine contained in pouches is highly addictive. Its use by non-smokers is not recommended.

A new way to consume nicotine

After placing a nicotine pouch under your lip, you may feel a tingling or slight burning sensation
. This is perfectly normal
as your body is not used to consuming nicotine orally. Some
flavors containing menthol and/or cooling agents can intensify
this sensation. To reduce this burning sensation, you can change the
position of pouch, remove it momentarily and drink water.

Kick and hit: What is it?

The sensations experienced when nicotine is absorbed orally
are called the kick. It's the equivalent of the hit, the pleasure felt in the throat when inhaling
smoke from a traditional cigarette, or vapor from an electronic cigarette. The higher the
nicotine dosage, the greater the kick.

Nicotine: Beware of under- and overdosing

We recommend that you start using pouches nicotine with a Medium dosage
(between 3 and 7 mg nicotine per pouch) ( Shop - Medium) , then
adapt the strength to your nicotine needs. An unsuitable dosage could
make you want to start smoking again. If you want a stronger kick, try
pouches Strong or Extra Strong nicotine.
If, on the other hand, you experience certain symptoms typical of an overdose of
nicotine (headache, insomnia, palpitations, etc.), we recommend you switch to
dosage Light or Extra Light.

Extra light




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Extra Strong