Summer 2021 nicotine news pouches


More and more scientific studies on nicotine pouches 

Nicotine pouches* are becoming increasingly popular and the subject of more and more scientific studies. However, contrary to what their detractors in anti-smoking organizations claim, nicopods are not responsible for the typical dangers of smoking. Although addictive, the nicotine contained in nicopods is not a carcinogenic substance, and their smokeless mode of use protects against the inhalation of heavy metals and toxic gases. Some scientific studies even suggest that the slower release of nicotine, compared with snus, makes nicopods less addictive.



31% of EU smokers plan to use nicotine pouches for smoking cessation 

Increasingly popular, nicotine pouches nicotine products are attracting more and more smokers who want to quit smoking. Surveys carried out in the European Union show that 31% of those polled would like to use snus or nicotine products as an alternative to traditional cigarettes. pouches nicotine as an alternative to traditional cigarettes. In Scandinavian countries, where snus and nicopods are ubiquitous, the proportion of smokers is much lower than in France. An example to follow?



Nicotine pouches in the face of misinformation

Enormous confusion on the part of the journalists at Le Parisien: by confusing snus and nicotine pouches, the newspaper's editors are associating the dangers of tobacco with nicotine. pouches nicotine, whereas snus do not contain any! By adopting an alarmist tone and interviewing people for whom nicopods are used recreationally, Le Parisien completely overlooks former smokers who have successfully stopped smoking thanks to pouches nicotine.



See you next month for more news from the world of pouches of nicotine on 



* The nicotine contained in this product is highly addictive. Its use by non-smokers is not recommended. Exclusively intended for sale to adults.

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