pouches An innovative alternative to traditional nicotine replacement products

Looking for a tobacco-free alternative to cigarettes? You're probably faced with a wide range of choices. Patches, electronic cigarettes, chewing gums, nicotine beads, sprays: the products available on the nicotine replacement market are numerous. Do you know about the latest innovation that offers a new alternative to cigarettes? 


Why are we addicted to nicotine?

Nicotine acts on specific receptors in the brain called nicotinic receptors, influencing neural networks linked to the reward circuit. By binding to these receptors, nicotine triggers a sensation of pleasure, encouraging the smoker to repeat the action. In industrial cigarettes, harmful substances accelerate the path of nicotine to these receptors, causing a "flash effect" in less than 10 seconds.

Nicotine and cigarette addiction have three distinct facets:

- Behavioral dependence is formed by associating cigarettes with daily habits, such as coffee breaks, mornings at work, after meals and so on.

- Psychological dependence is due to nicotine becoming linked to pleasure, acting as an antidote to stress or as a stimulant. The idea of being deprived of nicotine is tantamount to depriving oneself of this pleasure, which is very difficult to accept.

- Physical dependence is due to the sensation of craving. It leads to anxiety, sleep disorders and difficulty concentrating. It becomes increasingly frequent with prolonged nicotine consumption.

It's important to note that nicotine itself, whether present in cigarettes or substitutes, is not directly responsible for smoking-related diseases. It is the many other substances added to manufactured cigarettes, produced during combustion and present in the smoke, such as tar and carbon monoxide, that can lead to cancer and cardiovascular disease.


What are the different traditional nicotine substitutes?

Nicotine replacement products help people quit smoking by providing nicotine without the other harmful substances found in tobacco smoke. Here are some of the traditional nicotine substitutes:

Nicotine patches

These adhesive devices are applied to the skin and release nicotine in a controlled manner throughout the day. Patches are available in several doses.

Nicotine gum

These are chewing gums containing nicotine. Users chew the gum slowly to release the nicotine.

Nicotine inhalers

These devices deliver nicotine in the form of vapor, which the user inhales. They mimic the act of smoking and help reduce cravings.

Nicotine tablets

Slow-dissolving nicotine tablets are also available. These enable nicotine to be absorbed orally.

Nicotine sprays

These sprays deliver nicotine by mouth. They are rapidly absorbed after vaporization in the mouth.

Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes)

E-liquids for e-cigarettes contain nicotine. They enable users to gradually control their nicotine dependency.


What are pouches nicotine?


The pouches are an innovative alternative to traditional nicotine replacement products. They are small pouches containing nicotine, used to satisfy nicotine cravings without the drawbacks and dangers of smoking. Unlike cigarettes, they do not require combustion or smoke inhalation. As a result, your lungs are not exposed to the dangerous substances contained in cigarette smoke. What's more, they allow you to satisfy your nicotine cravings discreetly, while enjoying the aromas of your favorite flavors.


Comparison of pouches with traditional nicotine replacement products

Nicotine replacement products such as patches, gums and e-cigarette e-liquids are now well known to the general public. However, they have a few drawbacks of their own:

Nicotine patches vs. nicotine pouches

Although they provide a constant supply of nicotine, they can be visible and sometimes cause skin irritation .

The pouches are completely invisible under the lip, so you can use them discreetly.

Chewing gum vs. nicotine pouches

They require constant chewing and can have an unpleasant taste for some. 

On the contrary pouches nicotine tablets require no action on your part once placed under the lip.

E-cigarette vs nicotine pouches

Electronic cigarettes and e-liquids produce a vapor that can be a nuisance to those around you. Their use is therefore prohibited in certain public places, just like traditional cigarettes. 

On the contrary pouches They don't produce smoke or vapour, so you can use them whenever and wherever you want!

Nicotine sprays vs nicotine pouches

Nicotine sprays and inhalers can't cope with very strong nicotine cravings. Spray users need to multiply sprays to feel the effects. In contrast, nicotine pouches nicotine inhalers are available in a multitude of dosages to help manage cravings.


Why choose pouches nicotine?

The pouches offer a more natural, discreet experience. They are particularly suited to those looking for an easy-to-use alternative, without the hassle of other substitutes. What's more, dosage control enables a smoother, more personalized transition away from smoking.


pouches nicotine: a modern, innovative alternative

The pouches are a modern, effective solution for those looking to quit smoking. With their ease of use, discretion and ability to provide precise nicotine dosage control, they offer an alternative to traditional nicotine substitutes. If you're looking for an innovative alternative to traditional cigarettes, the pouches may be the solution you're looking for. Consult our beginner's guide to find the product that's right for you.




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