The Zyn VS Velo duel

The pouches nicotine replacement products are solutions designed to help smokers switch to lower-risk alternatives to tobacco*. Since the democratization of this new nicotine substitute, many brands have entered the market, including major players in the tobacco industry. So we're going to pit pouches VELO nicotine (BAT) against ZYN nicopods (Swedish Match) to decide between two of the most popular brands of pouches nicotine brands.

Nicotine pouches VELO vs ZYN? 

How can you tell the difference between two pouches of nicotine? ZYN - created by Swedish Match - and VELO - launched by BAT - are the best-selling brands on the nicotine market. white snus. By manufacturing the same type of product, it's not surprising to find a few similarities, such as the absence of tobacco, discretion and freshness of flavors. There are, of course, a few similarities, such as the fact that their pouches nicotine is tobacco-free, and that they combine discretion and freshness. But that's as far as the similarities go.

The two manufacturers have opted for two different strategies when it comes to product characteristics. pouches VELO nicotines promise an instant, pronounced hit as soon as the nicopod is placed under your lip. The brand relies on humidification of its pouches The brand's nicotine moisturizers ensure rapid release of flavors and nicotine. ZYN doesn't follow the same path and distinguishes itself with pouches dry nicotine. The aim is to offer nicotine smokers a product with superior shelf life and a more even release of flavors and nicotine.

When it comes to nicotine dosage, practices vary slightly between the two giants. ZYN is available from 3 mg/pouch up to 11.2 mg/pouch while pouches VELO nicotine is a little more restricted in its dosages, offering 4 mg/pouch up to 10.9 mg/pouch. To conclude on the elements of comparison, the materials used are of high quality, offering particular comfort to their users. Nevertheless, it has to be admitted that pouches VELO nicotines are more pleasant under the lip due to their moisture content.

Who to choose between pouches VELO and ZYN nicotine products

We'll tell you which brand is right for you. If you're looking for immediate satisfaction, we recommend pouches VELO nicotine. On the other hand, if you prefer slower nicotine consumption, pouches ZYN nicotine is for you. In terms of flavor, both brands offer more or less the same flavors, although more original flavors are also in the ZYN selection. The choice is yours!

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* The nicotine contained in this product is highly addictive. Its use by non-smokers is not recommended. Exclusively intended for sale to adults.

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