Keep pouches nicotines in a cool place to extend shelf life.

Nicotine pouches or white snus* are nicotine substitutes originating in the Nordic countries. The use of these small pouches of nicotine comparable to white snus are on the increase in European countries, particularly Sweden, where their use is more widespread than that of cigarettes. If you'd like to use this new product to start your quit-smoking journey, we've put together some valuable tips for storing nicotine pouches and extending the shelf life of this white snus.

What are nicopouches or white snus ? 

Nicopouches or white snus are useful products for smoking cessation. Unlike traditional snus nicopouches do not contain tobacco. They are in fact composed of flavorings, plant fibers and nicotine. Designed for oral use and positioned under the lip, nicouches deliver a nicotine kick directly to the gums. They deliver nicotine more rapidly than traditional cigarettes, which deliver nicotine by inhalation of tobacco smoke to the lungs. What's more, the absence of tobacco offers several advantages, including flavor quality. Find out more here.

How to store nicotine more effectively pouches

If you want to give yourself the best possible chance of quitting smoking, the quality of your products is paramount. We recommend that you store pouches nicotines in a cool, dry place. In fact, the vast majority of our pouches nicotine products are humidified. They should not be exposed to heat to prevent them from drying out. Our tip for extending the shelf life of white snus ? Put them in the fridge! Surprising but effective, this technique considerably extends the shelf life of the ingredients in your pouches and therefore the shelf life of this white snus. 

If you decide to buy pouches nicotine tablets in large quantities, you can also freeze them to extend the consumption time of your white snus. When you decide to use them, place them in the fridge for one or two days to thaw slowly and ensure the best quality.

Beyond the conservation aspect, putting your pouches nicotines in the fridge intensifies the humidity of your product and therefore provides a more intense diffusion of flavors. Note that some users like to enhance the cooling effect of their pouches menthol products by keeping them refrigerated.

What about the Minimum Shelf Life mentioned on pouches nicotine products?  

Finally, cold is your best ally. Putting your pouches nicotines in a cool place means you can enjoy them for longer. In fact, this method of preservation ensures longer consumption while preserving the nicopods' aromatic palette. Please note that the best-before date on your cans nicopods does not indicate a use-by date! Once this date has passed, your nicopods pouches Once this date has passed, your nicopods are still consumable, so it would be a shame to miss out. Read our advice on our dedicated page.



* The nicotine contained in this product is highly addictive. Its use by non-smokers is not recommended. Exclusively intended for sale to adults.

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