How to stop smoking without gaining weight with pouches nicotine?

1kg, 2kg, 10kg... Ouch, the scales can be uncompromising when it comes to quitting smoking. Weight gain is not uncommon when it comes to quitting smoking. Doctors recognize that weight gain after quitting smoking is a frequent reason for relapse. It's best to understand this weight gain in order to adapt solutions. Nicotine substitutes such as pouches of nicotine* can be of great help in ensuring a long-lasting quit without weight gain.

Why does quitting smoking make you fat?

It's perfectly possible to stop smoking without putting on weight. But it's true that quitting smoking and weight gain are often associated. Rest assured, not everyone gains weight when they stop smoking. 1 in 3 smokers is not affected by this trend. There are two phenomena to be aware of in order to curb weight gain as much as possible.

Changes in metabolism

Nicotine induces metabolic changes in the body. When you first started smoking, you probably noticed a slight weight loss. Unfortunately, you regained those lost kilos when you stopped smoking. This is simply because the nicotine in your cigarette has altered your metabolism:

  • reduced appetite,
  • increase your energy expenditure
  • slows down fat storage

When nicotine is withdrawn, the metabolism undergoes a further change to bring it closer to its original function.

Food compensation

For others, compensating for nicotine withdrawal with food is the reason for weight gain replacement . This is quite common among people who stop smoking without using nicotine substitutes. Snacking is a way of warding off the urge to smoke by occupying the mouth, stomach and brain. On the other hand, you can't cheat excess calories: they're stored as fat in the body. We can't stress this enough: snacking is your fat cells' worst enemy. In addition to nibbling, increasing appetite and compensating for frustration with sweet, salty or fatty foods at mealtimes have the same consequence.

Cravings, an obstacle to quitting smoking

Cravings during smoking cessation? These are sudden, irrepressible cravings to smoke. Cravings also exist with food, because we find comfort in it, or at least a temporary pleasure.
On average, a craving lasts 3 to 5 minutes. Hang in there, try to distract the craving. The craving will subside on its own. For example, you can write or draw. If you miss the gesture, blow into a straw. Inhale deeply and exhale for as long as possible. This breathing technique also helps you to regain your composure. Some people brush their teeth, while others call relatives to keep their minds occupied. Sometimes a simple piece of chewing gum does the trick too. It's up to you, too, to find your own little techniques to fool the cravings.
Beware: cravings are also a frequent reason for relapse, sometimes months after withdrawal.

How can I quit smoking without gaining weight?

Now that you know why smoking cessation and weight gain are linked, learn how to react. It's perfectly possible to stop smoking without putting on weight. Here are a few tips to help you do just that.

Watch your diet

Avoid snacking to ward off the urge to smoke, and try to keep your mind and hands busy. According to researchers at the University of Chicago, knitting is an excellent way to quit smoking. As an added bonus, the anti-stress effect helps limit craving. Why not try origami too? Rather than rolling a cigarette, the art of Japanese folding can take your mind off things. If keeping your hands busy isn't enough, and you really want to eat, try raw vegetables or fruit. As a snack, raw vegetables are low in calories, as are watermelon and strawberries.

Taste sensitivity improves when you stop smoking. Take the opportunity to cook a variety of tasty, well-balanced dishes. Try out new recipes or find inspiration at The most important thing is to maintain a balanced diet and not indulge in products that are too fatty, too sweet or too salty. Still, treat yourself once in a while!

Even if you're worried about gaining weight, don't go on a diet. There's no point in adding another replacement of frustration and stress. Concentrate on giving up smoking and exercising. You should be able to stay balanced this way.

Using nicotine pouches to stop smoking without gaining weight

If the urge to give in is too strong, help yourself to nicotine replacement products. The pouches are your allies in resisting the urge to snack or relapse. They are a particularly effective tool for quitting smoking without gaining weight. This method enables you to keep your daily dose of nicotine and then reduce it. The advantage is that nicotine will continue to reduce the sensation of hunger (goodbye snacking!) and act on the metabolism to limit weight gain. The different flavours of nicotine pouches will also serve to distract your brain from the urge to snack to compensate, for example. For beginners who want to take the plunge with Nicopouches, we'll guide you in choosing the right nicotine level. Test it now and get help on the French poucheurs facebook group.



* The nicotine contained in this product is highly addictive. Its use by non-smokers is not recommended. Exclusively intended for sale to adults.

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