4 common mistakes when using nicotine pouches
- Manon's advice
Nicotine pouches* are alternative products to tobacco, characterized in particular by the simplicity of their mode of consumption. However, certain misuses can alter the quality of your experience. Mistakes made when using pouches nicotine products may be minimal, but they do influence your experience. The Nicopouches editorial team lists the small mistakes to avoid for optimal consumption of your nicotine pouches.
Misuse of nicotine pouches : the wrong positioning of the pouches
The correct positioning of pouches nicotine is essential for a good experience. Indeed, while these new alternatives to smoking are very easy to use, a poorly positioned pouch nicotine could alter your experience.
Place your pouch nicotine under your upper lip
Thelocation of pouch is essential. Place your nicopods under your upper lip to get the most out of your nicotine pouches. This precise location allows the pouch to stay in place easily, which is a determining factor in consumption comfort. This is all the more true with pouches nicotine in Dry format, which has a longer diffusion time.
What's more, the upper lip is a strategic location, since it's the furthest away from the salivary glands. Placing your pouches nicotine in this area helps youavoid excess salivation, which promises a better quality of consumption. Finally, the upper lip provides optimum discretion! You'll be able to satisfy your nicotine cravings without anyone knowing, while carrying on with your favourite activities. How convenient! The best way to use pouches nicotine devices is to position them in the right place. pouches.
Alternate the positioning of your pouches on each side.
On contact with your gums, pouch will instantly release the flavors and nicotine, which can create a tingling sensation during the first few uses. If you prefer to minimize the effects of pouchesIf you prefer to minimize the effects, we recommend that youregularly alternate their position under the lip. First place it on the right, then on the left, depending on how you feel.
You should also be aware that the tingling sensation is stronger when pouches is high in nicotine or contains menthol flavours. Finally, switching sides of your pouch can also help you enjoy a better consumption experience, thanks to a more precise feel for the nicotine and flavors. It's a small reflex to adopt foroptimal quality of use of pouches nicotine!
Things to avoid when using nicotine pouches
The correct use of pouches nicotine depends not only on its correct positioning. It's also important to know what not to do when using nicotine pouches. For example, we strongly advise against eating or drinking at the same time as taking nicotine pouches. You could swallow your pouch or puncture it. For more information on the effects of swallowing pouch , please visit our dedicated page. Finally, we also advise you against smoking or vaping at the same time as consuming nicotine products. pouches to avoid nicotine overdose.
The biggest mistake in using nicotine pouches : not following the precautions for use!
The use of pouches nicotine requires strict adherence to safety precautions. In fact, this nicotine-based alternative to tobacco requires compliance with a number of recommendations for use. First of all, it's important to remember that pouches nicotine products are reserved for adult smokers and nicotine users over the age of 18. The pouches nicotine products have different shelf lives, depending on the brand and the components used. Do not use for longer than recommended by the manufacturer. Finally, we advise against the use of nicotine products by pregnant women. pouches nicotine products.
Don't dispose of your nicotine pouches in the right place
Once your pouch nicotine no longer delivers flavour or nicotine, it's time to throw it away. Unfortunately, some people don't dispose of pouches nicotine in the right place. Good use of pouches nicotine goes hand in hand with good environmental practices. Let's not repeat the mistakes made with tobacco cigarettes! Even today, billions of cigarette butts end up on the ground every year. As a reminder, a cigarette butt takes 10 to 12 years to degrade. In 2023, it's time toadopt the right reflexes to preserve our planet.
First of all, you should know that most cans nicotine pouches products have a special compartment for used pouches . Handy when you're out and about and don't have a garbage can nearby! Secondly, even if most brands aim to market products that are pouches 100% recyclable, your nicopods can be thrown away in the garbage can! What's more, some cans products are 100% recyclable, like the latest cans from Velo or D'LICE. When using pouches nicotine, remember to check that the recycling logo is displayed on can !
To conclude, good use of pouches nicotine is mainly based on these 4 essential rules. The quality of your nicotine consumption pouches is in your hands!
* The nicotine contained in this product is highly addictive. Its use by non-smokers is not recommended. Exclusively intended for sale to adults.