The pouches nicotine to help reduce stress?

Can nicotine really help you feel less stressed?

You may have heard people say they smoke because they feel stressed... but it's a false belief that nicotine makes you feel less stressed.

Nicotine triggers the release of dopamine in the brain, giving a feeling of well-being to those accustomed to using it. Generally speaking, smokers who can't smoke, either because they're in a place that doesn't allow it or because their hands are tied, may be more sensitive to stress because they don't have their nicotine supply. With pouches nicotine, this problem can be solved since you can control your nicotine intake or when you want and when you want, keeping your hands free for your activities!

The pouches are simple to use and discreet. They don't smoke, they don't vaporize and they don't smell. So if you're a smoker or vapoteur, we recommend you carry a box with you, as it's a less risky tobacco-free alternative to cigarettes and super convenient.

* The nicotine contained in this product is highly addictive. Its use by non-smokers is not recommended. Exclusively intended for sale to adults. 

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